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    Priyanka Chopra felt like a doormat in relationships before meeting husband Nick Jonas


    May 11, 2023
    Priyanka Chopra felt like a doormat in relationships before meeting husband Nick Jonas

    Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas get matching tattoos. (photo: Instagram)
    digital desk,Los Angeles. Indian actress Priyanka Chopra opened up about feeling like a doormat in her relationships before meeting her American pop-star husband Nick Jonas.She revealed on the latest episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast how most of the men she’s dated have made her feel like a doormat.

    During the podcast, the actress was asked if she has a pattern in choosing her romantic partner. She said, I went from relationship to relationship. I didn’t give myself any time between relationships until my last one. I have always dated actors I worked with or people I met on my sets. I just thought I had an idea of ​​what a relationship should be like, and I was trying to fit the people who came into my life into my idea of ​​that relationship.

    Priyanka shared that she decided to give herself up shortly before meeting Nick. Priyanka said, repeating the mistake was always feeling like, I need to be the caregiver, always feeling like it’s okay to cancel my job or my work or my meeting or to make sure my The priority is to move on. It was normal for me. The mind went on for so long that I stopped giving in to power in such a crooked way that I never stood up for myself.

    I literally became like a doormat and I was like, okay, that’s okay because, you know, women have been told for so long that our role is to hold the family together,’ Priyanka recalled. Or make your own. She said she soon realized she was being self-destructive and felt invisible in her relationships.


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