India’s G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant on Monday said that there cannot be a better place than Kashmir to shoot films. “You will see a large number of films being shot here. A lot of Indian films are being shot abroad. But, let me tell you, traveling around the world After doing this I can tell you very honestly that Kashmir is the best place in the world to shoot a film and shoot a romance.
Kashmir couldn’t be a better place for romance
Amitabh Kant said that the Government of India will do everything possible to help you with the shooting location of your film. We will help you bring more and more romance to your movies. Will help you bring more and more glamor to the movies. He added that a special dance sequence in the song Naatu Naatu from RRR film was shot at the Presidential Palace in Ukraine. He said that there can be no better place for romance in India than Kashmir.
Amitabh Kant said – I also started living in Bobby Cottage
He said Bollywood had become synonymous with Kashmir in the 60s and 70s. Kant said Bollywood’s romance with Kashmir began with films like Kashmir Ki Kali and Himalaya Ki God Mein, Jab Jab Phool Khile. No romance in India would be complete without Kashmir. Much later came a film which became a household word in India. And I moved to that cottage, which was famously known as Bobby Cottage because Bobby movie was shot in Gulmarg and it became a household word in India.
Film shootings will resume in Kashmir
Amitabh Kant said that films like Lakshya, Highway and Raazi have been shot in Kashmir. There are more than 370 films that have got permission to shoot in Kashmir. He said that Bollywood filmmaker Yash Chopra shot many films in Switzerland. He noted that several Academy Award winning Hollywood films such as Slum Dog Millionaire, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The Darjeeling Limited, Exit Pre Love and The Life of Pi were being shot in India during this period. “In the coming days, you will see a large number of films being shot here.