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    It is important to talk openly about sex and lust: Mrunal Thakur


    Jun 30, 2023
    It is important to talk openly about sex and lust: Mrunal Thakur

    Digital Desk, Mumbai. Actress Mrunal Thakur, who is garnering a lot of appreciation for her stellar performance in the streaming anthology ‘Lust Stories 2’, believes it is important to open up about sex and lust.

    Lust Stories 2 highlights the importance of lust and sex in a successful relationship, featuring Neena Gupta as Mrunal’s on-screen grandmother R. Uncovers the narrative of the film directed by Balki.

    The actress said, “I firmly believe that it is important to open up about sex and lust, especially when one is growing up. When a young adult, he or she has a role model who can guide a young person in the right direction.” imparts knowledge and information.”

    He added, “If all young people in the family, including children, had at least one person with whom they could honestly discuss these topics, they would be less likely to receive a lot of misinformation from the outside world.”

    ‘Lust Stories 2’ stars Mrunal Thakur as a soon-to-be-married woman who jokingly confides in her “grandmother” about her alleged “lust quotient” with her future partner.

    ‘Lust Stories 2’ is streaming on Netflix.

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