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    Bollywood’s great fall, Kangana angry over media’s slow death


    Jun 11, 2023
    Bollywood’s great fall, Kangana angry over media’s slow death

    Kangana sports a ‘saggi phool’: ‘Even Indians don’t know about their heritage’
    digital desk,Mumbai Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut targeted an actor in the Hindi film industry. He has expressed displeasure over Ranbir Kapoor being given the role of Lord Ram in the upcoming film Ramayana.Kangana on Sunday shared a long note on her Instagram in her Stories section. He wrote that he has come to know that Ranbir Kapoor is being cast as Lord Ram in Ramayana and his wife Aaliya has been signed for the role of Sita.

    Kangana wrote, there are many types of dangers in the film industry. But worse than this is the pairing of Duryodhana (White Rat) and Shakuni (Papa Joe). He has described himself as the most gossipy, jealous and insecure. However, the actress refrained from naming anyone directly. He continued to talk about the subject of his and Hrithik Roshan’s fight in 2016. He wrote, the entire film industry knows this, he was the main suspect behind all the fake blind items against Sushant Singh Rajput, which forced him to commit suicide.

    The actress further wrote, he also spread all kinds of dirty rumors against me and forcibly acted as a referee in the fight between me and HR. After that he started interfering in my life and career. Since I have exposed my stalkers, the bad PR against me and my film activities have reduced drastically. Since they are bankrupt and media has died a slow death, so now social media is the only media and now the only source of news is celebrities own social media accounts.

    Kangana also wrote, “With this new change in society my voice is more heard, though I said the same things for years but they echo back like I’m imprisoned in a soundproof dark room.” No media took my point forward and they spent lot of money to twist my words and use it against me but then there was great fall of bollywood, fall of empires, now we are new collective Indian film industry We are witnessing the rise of a nation that will be built on the pillars of democracy, equality and true merit. Thank you.


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