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    Where are the eyes, where are the ears? When you see strange animals on social media, you will sit holding your head


    Mar 25, 2023
    Where are the eyes, where are the ears?  When you see strange animals on social media, you will sit holding your head

    strangest animals Many strange animals live in the jungle world. Many times it becomes difficult to identify these animals after seeing them. Today we will talk about such strange animals

    Weird Animals: Don’t know how many secrets are kept inside the world of the jungle. Many times such animals are seen, which you would not have seen in real life or even on any television channel. The only thought that comes to mind after seeing these animals is that if they had not been recorded, how difficult it would have been to believe their physical appearance. Recently, videos of some such creatures are in discussion on social media. Let’s talk about these strange animals…

    your mind will wander
    You must have often seen videos of wild life on social media. Different types of creatures live in such a big forest. But many times such animals are seen, about which no one knows, nor do they face anyone in real life. But many times such videos go viral on social media, in which these animals are seen. After seeing these, once anyone’s mind would wander.

    the squeal of a little mouse
    First of all, let’s talk about an animal that looks like a rat. The video going viral has been shared on Twitter by a user named @TheFigen. In the beginning of the video this creature sneaks out of its burrow and then after seeing the camera main starts growling at it. The creature is small in appearance, but its growl is clearly showing that it is not going to leave its attacker at any cost.

    Such animals only in Australia.
    People are also getting very surprised after watching this video. One user said that such animals can be seen only in Australia. It is also written in the caption of the video that for the first time I saw such a creature. what is this? At the same time, another user called it a laser blind mole rat. This rat-like creature has no eyes. Nor are its ears visible.

    What is this like an elephant’s mouth?
    In another video, the strange animal is seen roaming in the dense forest. In the video, its mouth is as long as the trunk of an elephant. He is walking in the middle of the grass in the forest. There are also very big hairs in its body. In such a situation, it is also difficult to differentiate between dense grass and its hair. This animal is none other than Giant Ant Eater. Whose 2 feet long and sticky tongue makes it very different from other animals. It is also called ant beer.

    the youngest bear
    Now let’s talk about Sun Bear. The sun bear’s tongue is also excessively long like the ant eater’s. But the sun bear’s tongue can be up to 9 inches long. Sun Bear is said to be the smallest bear in the world. In Hindi it is also called Surya Bhalu. Its length is up to 4.5 feet and its weight can be up to 45 kg. The Sun Bear’s favorite foods are lizards, small birds, mice, and termites.