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    Vacancy out for 119 posts in IIT Kanpur, know who can apply and what is the last date


    Oct 21, 2022

    IIT Kanpur Junior Assistant Recruitment 2022: This is a great opportunity to get a job in IIT Kanpur. Here the recruitment is out for the posts of Junior Assistant. Those candidates who have the necessary qualification to apply for these posts can apply in the prescribed format before the last date. To do so they have to visit the official website of IIT Kanpur as the applications will be online only. A total of 119 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive.

    what is the educational qualification

    The educational qualification to apply for these posts is graduation degree from a recognized institute. As far as age limit is concerned, candidates between 21 to 30 years can apply for these posts. Reserved category will get relaxation in age limit as per government rules. You can visit the official website to see the details.

    what is the last date

    Applications to these posts can be made online only. To do this, the address of the official website of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur is –www.iitk.ac.in Also know that the last date to apply for these posts of IIT Kanpur 09 November 2022 Is. After that the applications will not be accepted.

    How much will be the salary and what is the fee

    On getting selected on these posts, the candidates will be given salary every month as per the Pay Matrix Level 3. As far as the application fee is concerned, to apply for these posts, candidates will have to pay an application fee of Rs 700. Reserve category will get some relaxation in fee as per rules. Female candidates do not have to pay any fee.

    how will the selection

    The selection of the candidates for these posts will be done on the basis of written test and practical test. Also note that no TA-DA will be given to the candidates for commuting for the practical test and written test. They will have to bear this cost themselves. To get any kind of detailed information about these posts, you can visit the official website. Notice is given here.


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