State Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government and Minister in-charge of Maharajganj Dayashankar Mishra reviewed the development works in the Collectorate Auditorium on Monday and gave necessary instructions to the concerned officials.
Maharajganj News: District Planning Committee meeting was held in the Collectorate Auditorium on Monday in Maharajganj district. In which in-charge minister Dayashankar Mishra “Dayalu” participated and presided over the meeting. During this, the Minister of State also gave many necessary instructions to the officials.
Instructing the officers, the Minister of State said that all the officers should listen to the public representatives and inform the public representatives while taking appropriate action on the issues raised by them. Officers should go to the field and do on-site verification of works honestly. He went to the spot and directed to listen to the problems of the people and solve them. He issued a show cause notice to the officers absent from the meeting of the District Planning Committee without prior notice and directed them to withhold their salaries and said that henceforth everyone should ensure attendance in the meeting. He also directed to change the table of employees in various departments.
Inaugurating the meeting, the Chief Development Officer informed that an outlay of Rs 385.63 crore has been fixed for the district from the planning department for the district plan for the financial year 2022-23. Along with the state’s share for centrally sponsored schemes such as agriculture, National Rural Livelihood Campaign, MNREGA, rural housing, rural sanitation program, an outlay equivalent to the central share of Rs 211.11 crore is included in the district plan. In relation to the fixed outlay, other departments have been proposed in view of the funds released in the previous years in order of their proposals, which has been approved considering the meeting held on March 17 under the chairmanship of District Panchayat Maharajganj. An outlay of Rs 231.93 crore is proposed for various departments under the capital head. An outlay of Rs 10.05 crore is proposed for the Special Component Plan. The plans have been prepared by estimating the necessary outlays under the permissible items in accordance with the instructions provided for the preparation of the district plan by the Planning Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
Taking information about tree plantation from the DFO, the minister in charge directed to involve schools, social organizations and other interested people in the tree plantation program so that the tree plantation work can be carried out successfully.
Giving information about MNREGA, the project director said that a budget of 12137 lakhs was received, which has been utilized 100 percent. Various works including 1700 ponds, 12 mini sports stadiums, 144 Amrit Sarovar, about 200 small sports grounds, more than 1000 individual ponds have been done through MNREGA. mother. The minister directed the project director for on-site inspection of the works. Taking information about free boring by the District Micro Irrigation Department, asked to include the remaining works of the past in the proposal for the next financial year. Against 7756 applications in the district, 5880 free borings have been done in the district.