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    Recruitment for many posts in Sainik School, apply before this day


    Feb 19, 2023

    Sainik School Goalpara Recruitment 2023: There is great news for the candidates who are looking for jobs. Sainik School Goalpara has issued a recruitment notification. According to which many posts will be recruited in Sainik School Goalpara. The application process for this recruitment has started. Candidates can apply for these recruitment drives by visiting the official site of Sainik School Goalpara at sainikschoolgoalpara.org. The last date to apply for this recruitment is 28 February 2023.

    This recruitment drive is being conducted for recruitment to 12 posts in Sainik School Goalpara. Through this campaign, 1-1 post of TGT (Computer Science), School Counselor, Nursing Sister, Band Master, PEM/PTI cum Matron, Horse Riding Instructor will be filled. Apart from this, this campaign will recruit 2 posts of LDC, Ward Boy and Lab Assistant.

    eligibility criteria

    Various posts are to be recruited through this recruitment drive. Therefore, candidates can apply under the information of educational qualification and age limit present in the notification.

    The selection process will be like this

    Consists of written test, performance and interview for the post of TGT, Counsellor, Master, Lab Assistant and Horse Riding Instructor and written test, skill, proficiency test and interview for LDC, Ward Boy, PEM/PTI cum Matron, Nursing Sister.

    Application fee will have to be paid

    Candidates applying for the recruitment have to pay the application fee for this drive. For this campaign, a fee of Rs 1000 has been fixed for some posts and Rs 500 for many. Candidates can pay the fee in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of “Principal, Sainik School, Goalpara” payable at State Bank of India, Mornai. For more details candidates can take help of official website.


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