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    Recruitment for 1857 posts in Bihar, they can apply


    Oct 23, 2022

    DLRS Recruitment 2022: If you want to do government job then this news is for you. In Bihar, more than 1800 posts have been recruited. For which candidates can apply by visiting the official site http://dlrs.bihar.gov.in. The last date to apply for this recruitment is 16 November 2022.

    Here is the vacancy details
    A total of 1857 posts will be recruited through this recruitment drive. In which 744 posts of Clerk, 355 posts of Special Survey Assistant Settlement Officer and 758 posts of Special Kanungo will be recruited.

    Candidates should have post-graduation/Graduate in Civil Engineering/Diploma in Civil Engineering from recognized University/Institute and work experience in relevant field.

    age limit
    According to the notification, the minimum age of the candidate applying for the recruitment has been fixed at 18 years and the maximum age is 37 years. Whereas reserved category candidates will be given relaxation in upper age limit.

    selection will be like this
    Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their work experience, marks obtained in Matric, Inter, Graduation and Masters. Candidates should note that their appointment will be on contract basis till March 31, 2024. This period can be extended if required.

    how to apply

      • Step 1: First of all candidates visit the official website http://dlrs.bihar.gov.in/.


      • Step 2: After that fill all the information asked in the application form.


      • Step 3: Now candidates upload the required documents as per their category.


      • Step 4: After that submit the application form.


      • Step 5: Now candidates download the application form.


      • Step 6: At last, candidates should take a print out of the application form.



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