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    LPG Price: Fluctuations in LPG prices continue in India, know the price of a cylinder abroad?


    May 2, 2023
    LPG Price: Fluctuations in LPG prices continue in India, know the price of a cylinder abroad?

    Domestic and commercial cooking gas prices fluctuate on a daily basis in India. In the past, there was some relief in the prices of commercial cylinders, but still the prices are skyrocketing.

    LPG Price: The Central Government has cut the prices of commercial LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) cylinders by ₹ 171.50 on 1 May 2023. Now the retail price of 19 kg commercial LPG cylinder in the country will be ₹ 1,856.50. At present, the government has made this reduction in prices only on commercial LPG cylinders and there has been no change in the prices of domestic cooking gas.

    Domestic LPG price in India is prevailing at ₹77.67 per kg. If you buy a 14.2 kg domestic LPG cylinder in Delhi today, it costs ₹1,103. On the other hand, about 10 months ago, the price of LPG in the country was running at ₹ 74.15 per kg. A 14.2 kg domestic cylinder then cost ₹1,053. During this, the price of LPG cylinder has increased by ₹ 50. While the price of 19 kg commercial LPG cylinder is ₹ 1856.50. Accordingly, its per kg price is ₹ 97.71.

    LPG is also used for cooking outside India. Therefore, it is important for you to know that how much money the government there takes in exchange for this gas? We have analyzed the currency there by converting it to Indian Rupee. So that it is easy for you to compare.


    The LPG price in Pakistan on 1st May 2023 was ₹80 per kg. This price is determined by The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) Pakistan. OGRA has changed the price of domestic LPG cylinders in May 2023. An 11.8 kg domestic LPG cylinder costs ₹944.84 in the Pakistan market. While a 45.4 kg commercial LPG cylinder costs ₹3,634.96. There the per kg price of both types of cylinders comes to around Rs.80.


    According to the data of the Government of Nepal on 3 April 2023, the price of LPG was ₹ 79.31 per kg. Nepal also has a domestic gas cylinder of 14.2 kg like India. At present the cost of this cylinder there is ₹ 1126.24. For the last 11 months in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu and other cities, the price of domestic gas cylinder is running almost the same. Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) determines the prices of LPG in Nepal.


    According to the official data of the Turkish government as of 24 April 2023, the LPG price there is ₹ 43.72 per kg. Recently, the price of LPG was reduced by ₹ 8.14 in Turkey. Actually, earlier the price of LPG was ₹51.86 per kg. Currently, a 12 kg domestic LPG cylinder costs ₹524.64 in Turkey.


    The LPG price in Brazil as on 17th April 2023 was ₹ 61.79 per kg. However, in Brazil as in other countries, the price of cooking gas keeps on fluctuating. For example, in November 2022, a 5.3 per cent cut in LPG prices was announced there. It is important to note that former Brazilian President Bolsonaro suspended federal taxes on LPG in March 2021, which greatly affected LPG prices there.


    According to the latest data, the domestic LPG cylinder price in Egypt is ₹15.79 per kg, which is very less than many other countries including India. A 12.5 kg domestic LPG cylinder costs ₹197.48 in Egypt. Whereas before March 2022, the price of a domestic LPG cylinder there was ₹ 184.32.


    The LPG price in Indonesia is ₹ 86.84 per kg as on 24 April 2023. Before March 2022, the same price was ₹75.6 per kg. There are mainly two types of cylinders sold in Indonesia, one of 12 kg and the other of 5.5 kg. Currently, a 12 kg LPG cylinder costs ₹1042.1 and a 5.5 kg LPG cylinder costs ₹490.41 in Indonesia.


    Currently, LPG price in Bangladesh is going on at ₹75.73 per kg. In April 2023, the cost of a 12 kg domestic LPG cylinder from private operators was ₹908.84. The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) and Saudi Aramco fix the LPG prices every month.

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