After the violence in Haryana’s Nuh, police action continues. District Superintendent of Police Narendra Bijarnia recently held a meeting with both the communities and appealed them to hand over the culprits to the police. Now the effect of this appeal has also started coming to the fore. On Sunday, the villagers handed over the 5 accused involved in the violence to the police.
The police had given a warning
After the violence in Nuh, Superintendent of Police Narendra Bijarnia had warned that those who were involved in the violence should be handed over to the police. Otherwise the police will take action in their own way. He said in the meeting that everyone knows who is the culprit. Bring them by holding their ears. Otherwise, if the police bring it, it will bring it in its own way, and they know how to bring it.
visible effect
The effect of the appeal of the police is that the villagers have handed over Zuber, Salman, Ansar, Rafiq and Abu Bakar, accused in the violence, to the police. This step of the villagers is now being discussed everywhere. The police hope that after learning from this step, others will also hand over the accused involved in the violence to the police.
Violence took place on 31 July
In Haryana’s Nuh, on July 31, miscreants had carried out the incident of arson and vandalism at the Mahadev temple of Singar village of Punhana sub-division. Many people also died in this incident. Since the incident, the police have registered cases against hundreds of people and identified the accused by gathering information from CCTV footage and intelligence sources. Since then, the police is raiding the hideouts of the accused by running a continuous search operation to nab them.