Recently, a case of lapse in the security of the country’s National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval, who came to the religious city of Ujjain, has come to the fore. Actually, Ajit Doval came to Ujjain when he was visiting Mahakal Lok. During this, a drone was seen flying over him. This incident of flying a drone is being considered as a major lapse in the security of National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, due to which the police have started questioning the youth who was flying the drone. Not only this, the police arrested the youth who was flying the drone and registered a case against him. On the other hand, there was a stir after this incident.
the whole event is like this
This matter is being told of Saturday. And its video surfaced on Monday. On Saturday, National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval came to attend a program in the capital Bhopal, from where he came to the religious city of Ujjain, and visited and worshiped Lord Mahakaleshwar. And after this, Ajit Doval visited Mahakal Lok and saw the beauty of Mahakal Lok. Along with this, he also visited Harsiddhi and Kaal Bhairav temples in Ujjain. Ajit Doval stayed in Mahakal Lok for about 20 minutes, where he visited Mahakal Lok while sitting in an e-cart. During this, a drone camera was seen flying over Ajit Doval, which has been considered a major lapse in his security.
went unnoticed
According to the information, National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval has Z plus security. This is the reason why his security is very special, yet when Mahakal came to visit the world, a white colored drone was seen flying over him. At first no one noticed it, but when a young man saw this drone, he made a video of it. At the same time, when the security personnel came to know about this incident, there was a stir, where the security personnel arrested the person flying the drone. National Security Advisor Ajit Doval had come on a 2-day Indore-Ujjain tour, where on the first day he visited Lord Mahakaleshwar, and on the second day he worshiped the Lord by participating in the Bhasma Aarti.