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FIFA World Cup 2022 | Crowd problem facing Qatar ahead of FIFA World Cup


Nov 20, 2022


Crowd problem facing Qatar ahead of FIFA World Cup

Doha: Authorities turned thousands of fans away from a ‘concert’ (concert) celebrating the start of the World Cup in Qatar. This reveals the challenges ahead in Doha in how it deals with crowds of people at FIFA’s biggest tournament. In such a small country, 12 lakh football lovers are expected to reach for the football extravaganza.

Thousands of disappointed fans were removed from the venue by Qatari police, security guards and others using giant ‘foam’ fingers, bullhorns and traffic control batons. Qatar has banned the sale of beer from tournament stadiums, leaving ‘fan zones’ the only FIFA-affiliated areas where ‘alcohol’ beer is served, allowing more fans to congregate in these places.

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A 30-year-old truck driver, who arrived here from Mumbai, said on condition of anonymity, “We know that what the police say here happens.” This driver and his friends had decided to enter the ‘Fan Zone’ but were turned away. He said, “We are sorry to return because it is too early. We cannot do anything.” (agency)


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